
Quality, satisfaction and success

Linguapolis is Qualiopi certified

Since 21 October 2020, LINGUAPOLIS has held QUALIOPI quality certification for the “training activities” category.

This certification, which is compulsory from 1 January 2022 for all training organisations wishing to access public and mutualised funds (OPCO, Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations for the CPF, public contracts, etc.), attests to the quality of the processes applied by the organisation.

As part of our continuous improvement approach, this review of our processes has enabled us to question ourselves, so that we can provide our customers with even better service and attests to our professionalism in terms of the criteria in force.

Satisfaction and success

Overall satisfaction in 2023
Our learners in 2023
Certifications 2023

Overall satisfaction in 2023


90 responses including :
French as a foreign language : 95% [26 responses]

English : 93% [51 responses]

Other languages : 98% [14 responses]

Our learners in 2023

training hours

Certifications 2023

Numbers of candidates

Maximum score

Minimum score

Average score


Numbers of candidates:


Maximum score:


Minimum score:


Average score:



Numbers of candidates:


Maximum score:


Minimum score:


Average score:



Numbers of candidates:


Maximum score:


Minimum score:


Average score:



Numbers of candidates:


Maximum score:


Minimum score:


Average score:



Numbers of candidates:


Maximum score:


Minimum score:


Average score:


Linguapolis signs the CPF Ethics Charter

Promoting ethical business practices

Who hasn’t been canvassed by text messages, phone calls and emails to supposedly activate their CPF before losing their budget?

In order to combat scams and abuse of the CPF, and therefore the loss of credibility of training organisations worthy of the name, LINGUAPOLIS is joining the Acteurs de la Compétence initiative by signing the CPF Ethics Charter, which is fully in line with our DNA.

At the end of 2021, the federation Les Acteurs de la Compétence published a charter of ethics for the sale of services eligible for the Personal Training Account (CPF). This charter is based in part on the legal rules applying to the profession, as well as on the general conditions of use of Mon Compte Formation.

The charter can be used by all professionals in the sector and training organisations, whether or not they are members of the federation.

Caisse des Dépôts (manager of the CPF platform) supports this initiative. By adhering to this charter, training organisations undertake to offer better commercial practices to CPF holders and contribute to improving the quality of the offer available on Mon Compte Formation.

The 10 commitments of the CPF Code of Ethics

  1. Hold Qualiopi quality certification from 1 January 2022;
  2. Be the owner of the professional certification in question or have the written agreement of its owner;
  3. Present its offer fairly, whatever the communication medium;
  4. Control and guarantee the use of sub-contractors;
  5. Provide the consumer with every guarantee against the misuse of his Social Security number or CPF ;
  6. Provide prior information about the costs covered by the CPF and any additional costs;
  7. Facilitate searches on Mon Compte Formation by not duplicating similar actions in its catalogue with the sole aim of optimising its positioning;
  8. Provide for assessment procedures prior to training;
  9. Guarantee appropriate technical and pedagogical assistance to support the beneficiary;
  10. Offer all consumer customers amicable and free recourse to the consumer mediation service, in the event of a dispute.

Our Quality Charter

In order to provide you with the best possible service, LINGUAPOLIS undertakes to:

  1. offer you only those services for which we guarantee quality: to each his own, ours is the business of languages and language teaching!
  2. respond to your requests as quickly as possible (generally within 24 to 48 hours).
  3. Assist and advise you, if you so wish, in applying for financial support from your OPCO.
  4. advise you from an educational point of view on the recommended length of the modules. We prefer to sell you less, but better!
  5. study your needs with you to determine the educational program best suited to your situation (and create it if necessary).
  6. send you a full quote, detailing the educational and financial aspects of the course.
  7. particularly for group courses, to offer you an assessment of the level of your employees and to submit to you group configurations, in order to set up coherent level groups.
  8. use qualified and experienced trainers, and provide you with their profiles prior to any training, so that we can work together in complete transparency and confidence. In addition to their teaching skills, our trainers all have significant experience of the corporate world, so that they can better understand your expectations and concerns.
  9. to behave ethically towards our training partners, who are recruited for their value and paid as such, with a view to a “win-win-win” relationship (customer-trainer-Linguapolis). The best guarantee of this commitment is their loyalty.
  10. adapt the content of the training course to the needs and requirements identified by the participants, even during the course of the module, in order to guarantee maximum effectiveness.
  11. at the end of the course, to draw up an individual educational report for each trainee, specifying the starting level and the level reached, the points covered as well as the difficulties encountered, the positive points and the suggestions for follow-up or improvement. An end-of-course certificate will also be given to each participant at the end of the course.

A completely transparent service

The prerequisites, objectives, duration, access arrangements, fees, assessment… We answer all your questions to ensure that your language training project is a success!