
Types of training

Intra-company: one-to-one face-to-face lessons

This is the most effective, quickest and most flexible option. The trainer comes to your place of work: there are no travel costs or travel time for you or your employees. In agreement with our training manager, the trainer adapts the programme entirely to your profile, your needs, your progress, your difficulties, your business field, etc. This option is particularly suitable for ..:

  • People who are often on the move or have a complicated schedule to manage (who need flexibility because of the risk of regularly missing group lessons, and therefore losing the thread of the course, or slowing down the rest of the group).
  • People with very specific profiles, needs and objectives, who would not fit into a standard group course.
  • People who are very reserved and find it difficult to speak up in a group.
  • Or, on the contrary, people who want to make sure they can talk as much as possible!

Recommended length of a class: 2 hours (1,5h minimum)

Languages: all

Extra-company: private "walk and talk" lessons

Linguapolis offers you the chance to get off the beaten track – in every sense of the word! – by combining language training and walking for the duration of your course, to give your body and mind a break!

In response to the increasingly popular “all digital” trend, Linguapolis offers you the chance to take the opposite approach, with time dedicated to oral communication between you and your trainer. Together, you decide the pace at which you progress, both in terms of the language you learn and the speed at which you walk!

And this movement in no way affects the range of subjects covered: “small talk”, current affairs, general or professional vocabulary, preparation for interviews or professional presentations, grammatical explanations if necessary – everything can be covered as in a traditional course. Before or after the lesson, the trainer will send you topics, documents or links to listen to or read, and you can of course also ask the trainer for topics of your choice.

Recommended duration of a class: 1 h à 1h30

Languages : German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese

Intra-company: face-to-face "duo" courses

This is a good compromise between one-to-one and group tuition, offering excellent value for money and flexibility. It is particularly suitable for :

  • People with comparable (and therefore compatible) language levels.
  • People who don’t want private or group lessons.
  • People who need the challenge of a group, even a small one, to motivate them.

Recommended duration of a class: 2 hours

Languages : all

Intra-company: Group courses

This is the most economical option for companies with several people to train on the same subject and at the same level. To ensure that everyone has a reasonable amount of speaking time, these modules are limited to a maximum of 6 people.

The plus points: optimised budget, greater group dynamics.

The minuses: As the schedule is fixed in advance, people who are absent from a course cannot benefit from catch-up lessons (even though the trainer will give them the documents distributed during their absence). With this option, there is therefore a risk that if you miss one or more lessons, you may find it difficult to follow them properly, or that the rest of the group may be held back if the trainer has to repeat the items for the absent person(s). In addition, the programme is adapted to the group average, so is less flexible than in private lessons.

Recommended length of a class : 2 hours

Languages : all

Private class with distance learning (videoconferencing)

Please note: This concept has nothing to do with e-learning, which LINGUAPOLIS does not offer!

These distance courses take place in the same way as a face-to-face course, but via a videoconferencing system. All you need is an internet connection and a computer equipped with a webcam, speakers and a microphone (or headset). You are face-to-face with your trainer (always the same one!), who manages the course using presentations and screen sharing to write down examples, vocabulary, etc. You see the trainer writing live for you, right in front of you.

Of course, the course materials are designed and adapted to this highly visual method of explanation. Exercises are made available to you during or at the end of the lesson.

This option is particularly suitable for :

  • People who are often on the move or have a complicated schedule to manage (who need flexibility because of the risk of regularly missing group lessons, and therefore losing the thread of the lessons, or slowing down the rest of the group)
  • People with very specific profiles, needs and objectives, who do not fit into a standard group course
  • People who are very reserved and find it difficult to speak up in a group
  • Or, on the contrary, people who want to make sure they can talk as much as possible!
  • People who do not live in the geographical area where LINGUAPOLIS operates.

Due to the different level of concentration required for this type of training, recommended duration of a course : 1h to 2h

Languages : all

A completely transparent service

The prerequisites, objectives, duration, access arrangements, fees, assessment… We answer all your questions to ensure that your language training project is a success!